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Alice in Wonderland: Tea Party
Tutorials Photo Manipulation 54898 June 9th, 2019

The Alice in Wonderland tea party is perhaps one of the most emblematic scene in Lewis Caroll's creation.

This is my interpretation of the tea party theme photo manipulation inspired by Alice in Wonderland Book. In today tutorial I will simply blend four Alice inspired images and adjust the color tones. It is a very simple to achieve effect without advanced photoshop skills. Lets start!

Symmetry is the keyword for this photo manipulation.... we have symmetric walls , symmetric exterior landscape and the girl is place strategically in the center of the photo. We also have items that are repeating like the tea cup, the key from the walls, the floor pattern , the trees....

In the center, the girl sits in a cup of tea and she is drinking tea from another cup. All in all we have a strange looking photo manipulation just the style for Alice in Wonderland.

Alice in Wonderland – Drinking Tea

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 1

I am starting my photoshop images by drawing a simple sketch of the background and than add all the other items. Sometimes I draw an idea on a piece of paper and than scan it and import it into my photoshop file.

Of course that in the most cases the final result doesn't look at all with the first idea!

So I will start with the background, in fact with the opened room in which Alice stands. For that I need to types of textures;the blue one from the walls and the black and white texture from the walls and floor.

I will show you how simple it is to create your own pattern if you don't find the perfect one on the free internet resources. Also, check out my detailed tutorial on how to create a seamless pattern in Photoshop.

Open a new psd file size 114/177 pixels as shown in the picture below.

I will simple draw a simple small rectangle, color #087883.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

As you can see I have also drawn some key shapes. For that use the Ellipse Tool for the round shape and the Pen Tool for the rest of the shape . Put the two shapes into a group or merge the two layers , as you wish. Than copy the key shape four times and place it like in the image. With a little bit of luck we've achieved our own pattern.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

You can of course change the key shapes to give it a fancier look but I am fine with that one. Now the only thing that we need to do is to go to Edit – Define Pattern

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Also save this PSD file.

Step 2

Open a new photoshop file 690/580 pixels. Draw an white rectangle. Go to the Blending Mode of this layer and check Pattern Overlay with the settings shown in the image below. Choose for the pattern the one that we have just created :

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

The pattern is ok but the perspective is not right. So create a new layer and call it Wall Layer . Go to Image – Apply Image. Now you have a flat image without Pattern Overlay attached.

Now we have to select with the Rectangular Marquee Tool half of this image. Press CTRL+X and CTRL+V and now you have two layers Wall Left and Wall Right.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Use the Edit – Transform – Skew option to give to the wall the right perspective like in the image attached:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 3

Create a new layer and copy this chessboard photo from Flickr into your psd file.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Delete the area from the back of the room. Now with the Pen Tool select part of the wall. Make sure that the path option is selected. Than right click and choose Make a Selection. Copy/Paste this part, duplicate it and than flip it horizontally. Move it to the right side. You should now have something like this.

I have also altered the perspective a little bit with the Skew Option.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 4

The floor is also obtained from the previous photo. Select the floor area like you did in the previous step and than duplicate it and flip it horizontally.

Now looking at the image a see a little anomaly , the lines from the chess wall patern are not vertical so I will skew it a little:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

As you can see the floor has a wrong perspective due to duplication. So use the Skew to fix that.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

As you can see we have now the right side of the floor that is right but does not cover the hole image. Until I duplicate this right side I must complete the pattern. With the Pen Tool select a part of the floor and copy it in another layer.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Move this selection downwards and scale it to 125 %. You see that there is no difference. Once there is in place merge the two layers.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Duplicate it , flip horizontally, move to the left. Now merge the two sides. As you can see there is an empty space...try to fill it yourself using the techniques practiced before... you can use Warp from Edit – Transform menu.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Alice in Wonderland Room

The last thing that we have to do for now for this room is to add 2 little lines (color #04150d) to differentiate the chess patter from the key pattern of the wall. Use the Pen Tool for that.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Select all the layers so far and put it in a group called Room.

Step 5

Now it is time to add the Tea Cup by YaZzZz... into the scene. Copy the large size of this photo into your file. Now simply crop only the image of the tea cup. I use for that the Pen Tool (paths option, make selection, copy paste) as you can probably know if you read other tutorials written by me .

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

We have two problems with this image : the first is the size we need to scale it to 88 % and the other is color and tone.

As you can see there is a big discrepancy between the tea cup and the rest of the image; the tea cup image has a different light , a yellow tone one. For a realistic blending of the two images we need to lighten the tea cup image and lower the saturation level.

I will adjust this parameters from the menu Image – Adjustments – Hue/Saturation. Set the values like in the image:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 6

Now copy his Photo of Alice by Rebecca Lader into your psd file. Crop Alice from the photo.

After loooong 10 mintues I have selected and cropped Alice . So it is better to Zoom In the photo to see all the details.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

So the Alice photo is in place, giving the impression that she sits on the tea cup edge. The only thing that I don't like is the color of the dress ... I want a color similar to the turquoise of the walls.

There are a lot of methods to play with colors : Color Balance , Hue/Saturation , Color Replacement and so on. I choose to work with Color Balance. Set the colors as shown in the image below. Make sure the Preserve Luminosity option is unchecked.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Now the only thing that I will do to this photo is to lower the saturation a little bit:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 7

Add the tea in the Tea Cup. It is now time to fill in the tea cup.

For the tea texture I have found a really nice photo, The Perfect Cup by Campin' Guy .

So copy this photo into your file and rotate it like in the image.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Take the Pen Tool and start drawing a shape above the Tea Texture Layer to include the tea and part of the cup. The reason we do that is to maintain the tea texture intact , to look realistic.

Now right click and choose Make Selection and press CTRL+C and CTRL+V. Delete the photo and keep only the crop part with the tea texture.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Now we have to resize it a little to fit our tea cup. Edit – Transform – Scale:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Still not exactly what we need especially in the bottom part. So hide the texture layer and with the same Pen Tool , paths , draw the shape of the interior of the tea cup.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Now select the Lasso Tool , right click on the selection and choose Select Inverse. Return to the Tea Texture Layer and press delete.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

One more step is to match the color of the tea cup with the color of the cropped tea cup. Use first the Eraser Tool , choose a soft round brush and erase as much as you can from the tea cup.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Use Hue/Saturation for matching fully the color:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 8

I want Alice to sit inside the tea cup so I have to delete part of her legs ...sorry! So create shape with the Pen Tool, Make Selection , and press delete:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Use the Eraser Tool with a softer round brush , small size, opacity 60 % and also Blur Tool same settings to adjust the area where the feet meet the tea.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 9

Add the exterior background. I have found this really beautiful photo Alice in Wonderland by twenty_questions.

Place this photo behind all the layers in the right side. Duplicate this layer , Flip it horizontally and move it to the left side. Left a gap between the two photos. As you can see we now have two shadows coming from different sides as if outside are two sun. To fix that take the Clone Stamp Tool

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Use the same tool to close the gap. Use it for both layers to meet somewhere in the middle.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

So this is our background image so far with no textures.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Step 10

Because what you see in the back I want to be the walls of the Red Queen Castle I will put three red hearts on the walls:

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

Create 3 Custom Shape Hearts; color #c22f17, Stroke 1px color # 761611.

Merge the 3 shapes and change the layer blending to Overlay 60%.

Step 11

The texturing part is the last part. So take this beautiful Crack wall texture by K. OS and place it above all the other layers. Change the blending mode of this layer to Color Burn 100%.

Above this layer add anther texture Sand and stone texture by dog ma.

For this layer change the blending mode to Overlay 75%.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

I don't like that the tea cup is not looking very good. So duplicate the Tea Cup Layer and place it above the two texture layers. Change the layer blending mode to Overlay 100%. For an extra contrast take the Burn Tool , midtones and Dodge Tool and burn/dodge parts of the tea cup.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

What is a castle without flags? I have decided that I want to change a little the sky color and add 2 little flags to the castle. So I have found this photo on flickr Gediminas Casle by jaudrius.

Copy this image into your file and copy the image and flip it horizontally so that we have the same image in both sides. Merge the two images and change the blending mode of this layer to Color Burn 100%. Change carefully the castle area so that the image covers only the sky.

Another thing that I did was to Duplicate the Exterior Group and change the blending mode of the entire group to Screen 65 %.

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Photoshop

If you want to add more contrast to other parts of the image, simply create a new layer above all the others. Go to Image – Apply Image and than you can burn / dodge the parts that you like; burn the interior of the room and dodge the exterior background.

I have also used Sponge Tool to Saturate Parts of the sky and trees and grass to add a surreal turquoise tone to the image!

Alice in Wonderland – Drinking Tea - Final Result

Alice in Wonderland and Drinking Tea

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19 comment(s) for "Alice in Wonderland drinking tea in the royal courtyard"

7:00 AM Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thanks! I am glad you like it! reply
Rictor 13
Rictor 13
7:00 AM Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Very clear great job!!! reply
7:00 AM Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Thank you for your beautiful photo Laura, perfect for Alice theme! I am really glad you like it! reply
7:00 AM Friday, July 30, 2010
Thanks Viki i am glad you liked my tut, but actually my name is Raluca :) Laura is the owner of one of the stock photos. For the depth effect i use transform tools such as Skew, Distort,Perspective, Warp ... there are relatively easy to use but for a reply
7:00 AM Sunday, August 1, 2010
:) no problem i am really curious to see the result maybe you send me the link. By the way did you do those handcraft works? They are really beautiful! reply
ezequiel zubko
ezequiel zubko
7:00 AM Thursday, August 5, 2010
wow man thanks, really love people that have the time to set this up for us to learn your techniques. wow thanks a bunch dude love it reply
7:00 AM Friday, August 6, 2010
Thanks dude! I am really glad u've found this tut useful. Be careful to create a shadow for the tea cup :) i have missed this important aspect! reply
7:00 AM Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Well it looks really nice...i don't think the wall texture is the best choice; and the floor is not very realistic you can see that it has been distorted!
The idea and the final result look beautiful ! reply
7:00 AM Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wow that is a really creative image! reply
7:00 AM Wednesday, February 9, 2011
so good. reply
9:06 AM Wednesday, April 18, 2012
wow, thanks! almost the same... reply
2:16 AM Friday, July 10, 2015
What a charming pic . Thanks for beautiful lesson Very difficult to copy work of great master so I added my own detailes reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Very interesting tutorial. Tanks. reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Very interesting tutorial. Tanks. reply
Laura aka twenty_questions
Laura aka twenty_questions
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Hehe - nice work. Glad to see my pic of those trees in Morocco was useful! reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Very helpful tutorial. Thank you Laura. Is there any other tutorial on how to add walls and floor on any image? I want to add depth in a wooden frame and inside it I will make a collage theme, but I can't make the depth effect. reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Sorry I changed your name! Ones more, thanks Raluca! It was very helpful. I'll practice on your tutorial immediately!!! reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Well, take a look. With your help I made the wall effect and I made a 3d frame painting. It's not finished yet but you can see what it looks like. I reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Great. Thanks very much. Amazing work. reply

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