This text effect was inspired by this beautiful strawberry and chocolate illustrator tutorial; you will learn how to create vector based shapes, how to work with paths, etc. The vector drawing in Photoshop is similar but we use slightly different and fewer tools.
For creating the same fruity effect, this time made in Photoshop, I suggest you this Strawberry-Inspired Text Effect tutorial. Below you have my version of the two effects combined that I hope you will create for the upcominf Valentine's Day.

Let's start with a simple background, color #40aced ; add a Inner Glow effect with these settings to create a nice vignette..

In a new layer add a sunburst using one of these rays of light brushes ; use color white for the brush and set the opacity to 9% . Use a layer mask for the Sunburst Layer and with a soft round brush, color black, paint inside the layer mask. You have to create a vignette effect so that the sunburst blends with the background.

Now let's add the text layer. I will use the font Copper Std which is a default Photoshop CS5 font. You can of course use ant text and any font you like. If you found a font type that you like, learn how to install font in Photoshop

Open the layer style window for the Text Layer and add these layer styles.

In a new PSD file I will create the strawberry sewamless pattern. You can create one yourself or you can download the strawberry pattern that I have used. Learn how to create seamless pattern in Photoshop from these easy to follow, quick tutorials.

After you created and define the pattern /install the pattern in Photoshop, you have to add it to your text as Pattern Overlay layer style.

In this step we'll add the chocolate drips using these drips vector shapes; all you have to do is to download the ZIP and to install the CSH file in Photoshop. Add different drips in a new layer using color #6b2317. Use the add to shape area button to add multiple shapes in the same layer.

Add a layer mask to the Chocolate Drips layer. Make a selection using the Text Layer(keep the CTRL key pressed and click on the layer thumbnail). Press CTRL+I to invert selection. Use a hard round brush, color black, opacity 100% and paint inside the Chocolate Drips layer mask to adjust the drips shape.

Open the layer style window for the Chocolate Drips layer and add these layer styles to create the chocolate dripping effect.

Here is how your dripping chocolate should look like. In this collection of candy Photoshop tutorials you will find other melting chocolate effects that you might like.

Now let's add some green leafs for our strawberry text effect. Pick the Pen Tool and draw some simple leaf shapes in three different layers using these green color tones: #548628, #7fc243 and #94d759

Add two more shapes like shown in the image, using #69c31a and #ace878

Now I will add some layer styles for each of the 5 leaf shape layers.
Layer 1

Layer 2 and Layer 3

Layer 4

Layer 5

For the final touches I have gathered all the leaf layers into a smart object, duplicate the object and place it on the "E" letter like shown in the image. I have also added a drop shadow effect. So here is the final result for the strawberry and melting chocolate text effect made in Photoshop for Valentines Day.

Hope you enjoyed this delicious tutorial. For a quick result just as delicious, try the online strawberry font from MockoFun.

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