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Paint Photoshop Brushes

Resources Brushes 36618 1/31/2018 12:00:00 AM

This list contains lots of free and cool Photoshop paint brushes. If you want to know how to use spray paint brushes check out one of my tutorials on how to create Snow Spray Paint Effect in Photoshop. To use a paint brush in Photoshop, just download the file/archive, load the ABR file in Photoshop and the brushes are ready to be used. In Photoshop go to the Edit>Preset Manager menu, press load button and upload your .abr file. Some of these paint stroke brushes can be used to create realistic oil paint effect in Photoshop.

In this list you will find all kinds of paint Photoshop brushes. Among the most popular brushes are the oil painting brushes, the watercolor brushes, the speed paint brushes and other Photoshop paint brushes. I also added some brush stroke brushes, ink splatter and paint splatter brushes.

Combine these oil painting brushes with Canvas Textures to create a realistic oil painting Photoshop effect.

Brush Pack Splashes Of Paint

paint splatter Brushes

Spray Paint Splatter Brushes

Paint markers brush set

Paint Splatter Brush set 1

Paint Stroke Brushes

Splatter Brushes

Go Media Spray Paint PS Brush

Brush Stroke Brushes

9 Paint Structure Brushes

12 paint brushes

Splatter Paint Photoshop Brush

Artistic Photoshop Brushes

Texture Brushes

Random Splatter Brushes PS7

Paint Borders

Splats and Splatters Brushes

Photoshop Brushes

Spray Paint Brushes

Splatter Paint

Paint 04

Paint Splash Brushes 13

Paint 05

Spray Paint

Watercolor Brushes Photoshop

Essential Brush Strokes

Paint 01

Charfades 100 Painter Brushes


Blood and Ink Brushset 1

Ink and Paint Print Quality

Watercolor Splatters

Watercolor Brushes

Splat Brushes

paint splat brushes

33 Paint Stroke Brushes PS7

Fractal Paint Brushes

You can create your own watercolor brushes using watercolor PNG images. Check out this free Watercolor Textures Photoshop pack that you can download for free.

Watercolor Textures Photoshop

To create watecolor paint effect that looks authentic, you need to use realistic watercolor textures and combine them with your pictures. You can find all kinds of free textures for photoshop on this site.

For those of you that don't have Photoshop, there are lots of online tools that you can use to create a realistic watercolor effect online with 1-click.

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