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Fire Photoshop Brushes

Resources Brushes 37527 3/22/2018 12:00:00 AM

Photoshop fire effects can be easily obtained using fire brushes. The realistic fire or flame brushes are made using fire stock images and their quality is very important. To obtain a decent looking flame brush, the fire image has to have a black black background. Or the person that makes the brush has to be very patient and crop the fire shape carefully.

Beside the realistic fire brushes, I have also added some abstract fire flames that are great for creating tattoos, T-shirt design and so on. So if you want to add fire in Photoshop you can do it in no time using these great brushes. To help you even more I am planning to gather a list with fire Photoshop tutorials to see these fire brushes in action. So stay tune!

In Photoshop manipulation you can create realistic fire effect using these awesome fire Photoshop brushes. Combine these fire brushes with a realistic fire texture or a fire PNG image.

If you want to create a fire explosion you can try these free explosion Photoshop brushes from PhotoshopSupply.

9 Fire brushes

Fire Photoshop Brushes

Explosion Brushes

Flames Fire Photoshop Brushes

Fire Brushes

Fire Brushes

Hand Drawn Fire Brush

Fire Brushes

Chrissys Fire PS Brushes

Fire Brushes

Flames Brushes

Photoshop Brush Fire

Abstract Fire Brushes

Photoshop Fire Brushes

Fire Brushes for Photoshop

Burning Brushes

28 Basic Chaos Brushes

21 Small Smoke Brushes

Phoenix Brush Pack

Fire Brushes

Hell Fire Brushes

75 Tribal Flame Brushes

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1 comment(s) for "Fire Photoshop Brushes"

1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Found you thru graphic design forum. Thanks for the link, perfect timing. They will work great for my project. reply

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