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How to Make Tree Faces in Photoshop: Lost Princess in the Magic Forest
Tutorials Photo Manipulation 57756 April 16th, 2018

In this tutorial I will show you how to make tree faces in Photoshop. I was always a big fan of fairy tales like the ones written by Hans Christian Andersen or Grimm Brothers. The classic Arabian fairy tales were also some of my favorites as long with my native country stories. Princes and princesses captured me in my childhood and even now I find great pleasure in watching Disney cartoon movies inspired by this beautiful children's book fantasy stories. In this photo manipulation tutorial we'll create a fantasy magic forest landscape with an alive talking tree as main character. A lost princess surrounded by charmed white rabbits will complete the picture. This Adobe Photoshop tutorials is one of my first tutorials; I added some updates, so I hope you will enjoy it.

In today tutorial I will show you how to make tree faces in Photoshop and I will try to create a magic scenery, a forest that unexpectedly comes to live revealing charmed trees that can talk , white rabbits and magic light sparkles . .....

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Preview of the Final Image

Lost princess in the magic forest

I've started by searching the internet to find an inspirational photo and I have found the most incredible photo , that I consider a true beauty. Not only that the photographer captured the image extremely well but the image itself , without any effect looks magic.

So this Old Danish Tree is my source of inspiration.

Open a new document size 1024 / 575 px. Because of this unusual size I will not be able to show the entire image in the tutorial I will have to crop parts to see the actual pixel size.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The first photoshop treatment will be for the tree. The color is not important now, the main objective is to apply a face to the tree. An old tree goes well with an old face. With a little bit of luck I have found this beautiful photo Face .

Scale the photo to 60% .

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Crop only the face of the old man and remove the rest.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Now change the blending mode of the Old Man Layer to Overlay 100%.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

You can see that there is a big difference between the Overlay mode and the Normal mode.

Unfortunately the tree as it is now is not perfect with the blending. The good news is that we can fix that .

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Take the Clone Stamp Tool and hide the area shown in the image below:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Now with The Smudge Tool hide the little imperfection in the eye area:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Face treatment. As you remember the face is obtained only from a layer with overlay blend mode.

Duplicate the Old Man Layer . Go to Image – Adjustments – Exposure and do the following settings:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

From this layer create 2 new ones . With the Magic Wand Tool select the lighted areas and put it in another layer CTRL + C and CTRL + V. Name this layer Light Areas and change the blending mode to Soft Light 80%.

Do the same this time with the dark areas . With the Magic Wand Tool select the dark areas and put it in another layer CTRL + C and CTRL + V. Name this layer Dark Areas and change the blending mode to Darken 80%.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The result is this so far. To soften the look a little bit you can apply Gaussian Blur Filter to the Dark Areas Layer.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Now it looks pretty good but there is a small color difference where the face ends. So we have to adjust all 3 layers with the Eraser Tool. Play with sizes and opacity to obtain a good result.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The Face of the Tree needs eyes to add expression. So copy this image Look into my eyes by Look into my eyes.

The eye actually looks like my eyes ??!!? Strange

Scale the eye to 10 % and than easily erase the skin area.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Now the eye is a little to bright in comparison with the rest of the face. So go to Image – Adjustment – Brightness / Contrast :

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The next thing to do is give a little symmetry to the tree. Because the left side of the tree is a little odd I will duplicate the right side and move it to the left side.

So above all the other layers create a new one called TreeImage. Go to Image – Apply Image.

I have now a layer that contains an image of all the visible layers merged.

Make a selection like in the image, press CTRL+C and CTRL+V . A new layer was created; go to Edit – Transform – Flip Horizontal :

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Move the selection to the left area. With the Eraser Tool erase part of this selection as shown in the image below...i have colored the image to see exactly what you have to erase;the red area is the one that stays , the rest was erased:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

I did that move because:

The left area was not suited for a face blending

I wanted to give the tree a symmetric look

I have erased that parts because if you can notice there can be one shadow for the nose and in the duplicated case we had 2 shadows.

And last but not least I have erased parts of the tree to look symmetric but not the same.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The Tree looks pretty good but I want it to be the house of the fairies; so I will added a magic window to look like a home. I have found this lovely photo Old Window .

I have to first crop only the window without the stores:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Resize this image to 40% . With the Eraser Tool and the Burn Tool try to blend the window with the tree as good as you can:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Add the princess , photo In the fog .

Copy the large size image and crop only the girl. Scale to 70%.

Because the image has a lower contrast I have to go to Image – Adjustments – Curves and do the following settings:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

The tone of the girl is more to blue while the tone of the rest of the image is warm orange, but this is not a problem for me because when I will apply the blue filter it will not matter. The important part is the contrast.

A thing that I dont like is that the girl has short hair. For that you can search for really nice hair brushes or do what I did. Create a new layer and with a small size brush , and the color of the girl's hair try to draw over. To give the hair a more realistic look use the Smudge Tool, size 4-5, opacity 70-90%. It would be better with a graphic tablet

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Add Rabbits, this beautiful photo Rabbits . Scale to 80%. Spread the rabbits through out the forest and scale them to different sizes.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Blue Filter. Simply add a new layer and color it with the color that you like . I choose #1a3c37 but I will show you how it looks like with #8c7527

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

I will work with the image below that has a beautiful blue tone:

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Create a new layer and go to Image>Apply Image. Now paint with light with the Burn Tool (shadows) and the Dodge Tool (highlights), Accentuate face features, the tree and also burn the edges of the entire image.

In the end add in another layer white sparkle coming out of the tree; you can use these sparkle brushes with white color. Learn how to create complex brushes using the Photoshop brush settings from this the tutorial for beginners

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial

Tutorial Update: I have added some other elements to the intial photo manipulation to make it look more magical. First I added a lens flare effect that you can create yourself or you can use one of these lens flare textures

Second, I decided to add these dead tree branches to create a nice frame. Use some ajustment layers to make the color match with the rest of the images. Also add a soft Gaussian Blur effect.

Third, I added this stone floor to add depth to the image. Adjust the color tones, the brightness and contrast and also the exposure.

Tree Face Photoshop Tutorial
5 ( 102 votes)

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24 comment(s) for "Lost Princess in the Magic Forest"

PSD Dude
7:00 AM Saturday, May 15, 2010
Hi guys,

please leave a message if you liked it... or even if you didn't like it

PSD Dude reply
7:00 AM Sunday, May 16, 2010
Another great tutorial, keep them coming PSD Dude reply
7:00 AM Monday, May 17, 2010
find it interesting. reply
7:00 AM Monday, May 17, 2010
Gracias amigos! :)
i changed the image a little bit to give it color , i am hopping to update the tut soon :)
7:00 AM Friday, June 4, 2010
Thank you Arturo! I will take into account all you advices! I am learning and all your comments are helping me to improve and i know i have a long road ahead!
By the way i saw your site , very good works you have there ! reply
parichay madhur
parichay madhur
7:00 AM Monday, August 2, 2010
hi this image very nice .... reply
7:00 AM Monday, August 2, 2010
Thank you ! reply
7:00 AM Friday, December 3, 2010
hi, i am glad you like it! maybe you post a link with the result if u decide to do the tutorial! reply
7:00 AM Saturday, December 4, 2010
nice lesson, only towards the end you say "Create a new layer and go to Image - Apply image..".
My question would be apply it to what? screen?
and is this just a blank layer your applying? reply
7:00 AM Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hi mike, thanks for the comment!

So the answer is: select the new blank layer and then Apply Image and choose Layer: Merged and Blending: Multiply ... the idea is to obtain only one layer with all the visible layers merged.
7:00 AM Monday, January 10, 2011
super cool. reply
nicolle patrick
nicolle patrick
7:00 AM Thursday, April 7, 2011
merci pour ce tutoriel qui est bien expliqu????.
@+. reply
7:00 AM Friday, April 8, 2011
merci nicolle!!! reply
Rajni Setia
Rajni Setia
1:19 AM Saturday, May 3, 2014
Very nice tutorial, we have featured it here : reply
Lori Diane
Lori Diane
2:17 AM Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Hi PSD DUDE, I really loved your tutorial for the lost princess in the woods. I have never done anything like this before and you made it so easy to understand breaking down the steps and the flow of the process. I went a different direction with mine while still using some of your images and concepts and including my own as well, like my daughter sitting on the suitcase. I just wanted to share my finished piece with you and say thank you for inspiring and guiding me through the process! reply
2:47 AM Wednesday, October 29, 2014
I am so glad you were inspired by my tutorial to create this beautiful photo manipulation. Very creative work, I love it! reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
muy buen tutorial y buen trabajo
un saudo reply
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
I????????ve recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work. reply
school grants
school grants
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
What a great resource! reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
I have added the tut on my site! It looks really nice and the tree is amazing !
By the way i am working on adding a "submit tutorial" on my site so you can add the tut yourself!
Arturo Velazquez
Arturo Velazquez
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Not bad ) but i would like it more with the original eyes and maybe play a bit more with the lights on the girl, keep the good working )) reply
Arturo Velazquez
Arturo Velazquez
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
)) thx!,
my best regards reply
The Blue Dragon
The Blue Dragon
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
wooow so great i will try to do it and i hope i get good result :) ..

1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Its a nice tut dude. thanx reply

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