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Golden Yellow Skin Girl Glamour Transformation
Tutorials Photo Effects 27884 June 22nd, 2018

Hello, Today I will show you how to transform a photo of a woman into a glamorous photo manipulation. I will change: the skin tone into a shiny, golden tone; the eyes and lips color. I will add a new background and the result is a new improved image.

Step 1 - Do you think this is beautiful?

Wait until you see the final result!
So I found this photo with a beautiful woman on Flickr .

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 2 - Change the tone color of the photo

Duplicate the initial layer and call this new layer Golden Image. As you can see the photo has a cold tone and I want to change that.

I want to make it more yellow, to look like gold. Go to Image - Adjustments - Color Balance and do the following settings for midtones, shadows and highlights.

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

Step 3 - Change the face features with Liquify

With three simple steps improve facial features. Go to Filter - Liquify and pick Bloat Tool.

You have below the tool options:

Yellow Skin Girl

Place the tool in the center of the eye and click until you obtain this result.

Yellow Skin Girl

Don't exaggerate because you will obtain a doll like look.

Don't exaggerate with the lips because you will obtain a trashy look and we want glamor not trashy.

For the lips use Forward Warp Tool to make the lower lip smaller. You need to zoom in the image to work better. Use brush size 50 and the setting presented below:

Yellow Skin Girl

For the upper lip change the size of the brush to 13 and gently pull the lip up. For making the lip bigger you can pull down the upper lip.

Yellow Skin Girl

For the hair use the same Forward Warp Tool but this time the size is 60. Change the aspect of the hair by modifying the volume of the hair. With red are marked the places were the brush was used.

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

Step 4 - Remove the background

Now I will remove the background by selecting the girl.

I always use Pen Tool for this kind of job. So take the Pen Tool and draw the shape of the girl; chage the opacity of vector layer to 0 % as you draw to see exactly the shape.

Yellow Skin Girl

Hold pressed CTRL and click the Vector Layer Thumbnail.

Yellow Skin Girl

Now select Magic Wand Tool and go to Golden Image; right click on the selection and choose Select Inverse; press delete. Now you will have only the girl with no background.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 5 - Adjust the colors

We will have to adjust the colors manually with burn tool, dodge tool and sponge tool.

Lets start with the skin tone. With the help of Sponge Tool saturate the skin.

Yellow Skin Girl

Take the Burn Tool and darken parts of the skin like in the picture below.

Yellow Skin Girl

Take the Dodge Tool and lighten parts of the skin like in the picture below.

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

For the hair use Burn Tool(midtones) and Dodge Tool(highlights) to give it contrast. Use the Smudge Tool (brush size 4 and strength 80%) to hide the left earring.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 6 - Reduce Blur

Duplicate the layer and go to Filter - Sharpen - Smart Sharpen

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

Now the problem is that we have the skin sharpen and that is not so good; so make a new layer on top of that one and with Brush Tool, size 50 , opacity 100% try to draw all parts of the skin. Set the opacity of this layer to 60% to see exactly what you need to draw. With the Eraser Tool opacity 100% delete the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.

Yellow Skin Girl

Press CTRL and click the thumbnail of the Sharpened layer and press delete.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 7 - Change eye color

Simply draw a circle with Ellipse Tool, color # 88eef4. Zoom in the photo for a better precision.

Duplicate this circle and place it in front of the other eye.

Yellow Skin Girl

Select the 2 circle layers and right click - merge layers. Call this layer Eyes layer.

Go to Blending Options of this new layer and do the settings:

Color Overlay

Yellow Skin Girl

Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Hue 100%

Now with the image zoomed in delete with the eraser tool the area that exceeds the eyes.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 8 - Change the lips color

Create a new layer and with Brush Tool, opacity 100 % and color # ffd800 draw the mouth. Zoom in to draw the exact area.

Yellow Skin Girl

Go to Blending Mode of this layer and set from Normal to Linear Burn 100%.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 9 - Add eyelashes

Create a new layer, call it Eyelashes. Download this eyelashes .

With Brush Tool, opacity 100%, size 46 draw the eyelashes. You will have to click twice or three times depending on how dark you want your eyelashes to be. Rotate the eyelashes, delete the unnecessary parts and place them in the right area.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 10 - Merge all together

Select all five layers Sharpened image, Unsharpened image, Mouth layer , Eyes layer, Eyelashes layer and right click - merge layers.

Yellow Skin Girl

Step 11 - Background

Draw a black rectangle and place it behind the girl layer.

I found this beautiful texture so copy it into a new layer above the black square layer.

Change the Blending Mode of this layer to Hard Light 100%.

Step 12 - Blend the girl with the background

As you can see the girl looks cut; we can fix that by adding a shadow.

Duplicate the Girl layer, go to Image - Adjustments - Brightness/Contrast

Yellow Skin Girl

Call this layer Shadow and place it behind Girl layer. Move this layer to right and down.

Go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur ; we do that to blur the edges of the shadow. Change the blending Mode from Normal ti Hard Light 100%. In the initial photo we have the shadow. Because i didn't change the light direction I will try make the shadow similar to the initial shadow.

Yellow Skin Girl

Another thing we can do is burning with Burn Tool the edges of the Girl layer.

There are parts where burning tool is useless; for example the hair from the bottom left; for that I will use Smudge Tool

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

Than with the Sharpen Tool, sharpen the part of the hair from above:

Yellow Skin Girl Yellow Skin Girl

The final result! Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial!

Yellow Skin Girl
5 ( 100 votes)

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18 comment(s) for "Golden Skin Woman glamour transformation"

Eve T.
Eve T.
7:00 AM Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Beautiful skin tone! reply
7:00 AM Sunday, July 25, 2010
It would look nicer if only the skin was golden color. The eyes, lips, and hair are golden color which makes it look unrealistic. reply
7:00 AM Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am almost sure that you saw only the first page :) where there are all the features golden but have a look at the final result! reply
7:00 AM Wednesday, October 13, 2010
You are probably was one of my first tutorials and it has good and bad things . i try to get better and better every day and i hope to succeed ! reply
7:21 PM Sunday, October 30, 2011
:) upload your result! reply
abhishek srivastava
abhishek srivastava
1:44 PM Saturday, February 11, 2012
good skin tone and manipulation reply
3:26 AM Friday, August 24, 2012
How about just duplicating the layers, Gaussian blur, radius at 4.0, set layer to overlay and adjust as needed depending on the contrast of the image. She looks flat because you changed the tone of the ENTIRE image. Try just selecting her skin next time. reply
3:27 AM Friday, August 24, 2012
:) thank you for the tips, this tut is one of the first published here on psd-dude so the quality and technique is not that good! reply
3:46 AM Friday, May 16, 2014
thank you for this post !
but i dont have a question.
i really tried to understand 'step 6'.
but i couldnt get it.
like you said,
i painted over her face with black color brush on the new layer. and i clicked sharpened layer with 'ctrl' key.
i guess that means i selected the area of the sharpend layer while selecting the painted layer.

so when i deleted it, black paint was dissapeared but
the skin is still sharpen.
cuz i painted and i deleted. it's supposed to be the same result.

plz give me some advices.. i dont understand..
thank you sooo much !! reply
12:08 AM Saturday, May 17, 2014
after that
what should i delete?
so i have created a new layer above all the other layers.
and like you said, i added a layer mask to the sharpen image.
and inside the mask, i painted with black color.
then, do i need to delete the sharpen image? or mask? or the new layer? @~@
but the new layer is empty, cuz as you said, i didnt paint anything on it.
and if i delete sharpen image or mask that is linked with the sharpen image.
there is no point of makig the sharpen image.

so sorry abt that..
im a very beginner...photoshop is difficult ??
12:10 AM Saturday, May 17, 2014
Don't create a new layer.
Just add a layer mask to the Sharpen Image Layer and paint the skin area with black(see the tutorial about layer masks for further information).
You don't have to delete anything because the mask of the sharpen image replace the delete process. reply
1:52 AM Monday, August 3, 2015
Maybe you'l like this pic better? Perhaps this picture is more interesting. I found this girl and try to do the Photoshop lesson step by step like you did. reply
1:55 AM Monday, August 3, 2015
Very useful Photoshop tutorial. Thanks. I learned a lot and I will try to use these Photoshop techniques in my practice. reply
2:03 AM Monday, August 3, 2015
I like both versions. My tutorial creates a golden skin effect with a cartoon look. You should read also this tutorial for creating a more professional gold skin effect in Photoshop: reply
2:14 AM Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Thanks for the advice. I will take a look at this lesson. reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
She looks jaundiced. Why would you make someone yellow? the whites of her eyes are even yellow??? reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Thanks For The Share On This Tutorial, Will Give Your Method A Shot. reply
10:37 AM Wednesday, August 21, 2024
You can add a layer mask to the Smart Sharpen layer and inside the mask use the Brush Tool, color black opacity 100%, soft round brush, to paint over the skin area. reply

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