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Create a Vintage Photo Effect in Photoshop
Tutorials Photo Effects 81434 October 1st, 2018

Learn how to create a realistic old photo effect in Photoshop using some simple Photoshop techniques. I've added an old photo frame using the Ripple Photoshop filter and I have also added a torn paper effect to make the photo look vintage. If you want to add a torn corner effect to your photos with just a single click you can try our premium Torn Corner Generator.

Make your photo look old in Photoshop using some simple Filters, Photoshop adjustments and brushes. The vintage effect can be applied to any photo with great results. There are other tutorials on the internet that teaches you how to create an old vintage photo effect so you might want to check them out as well; here are the best tutorials roundup on how to age a photo in Photoshop.

Vintage Photo Effect Photoshop

This vintage effect works well for any photo so you can choose your own photo just as well; but to make the tutorial more interesting visualy speaking, I piked up a beautiful pin up girl stock image, from deviantart. So open this Gothic Burlesque Stock and call this first layer Original Image and duplicate it so that you have a copy of the original photo.

The first thing that we have to do in this photo aging process is to add a vintage frame; if you look at an old photo you will see that all of them have a white border, sometimes simple and sometimes with a distressed torn paper look. I will choose the second frame just to make the tutorial more complex and to learn new and interesting things.

How To Create Old Photo Edges Effect In Photoshop

Open the layer style window of the Girl Layer and add a Stroke of around 15px, depending on the size of your photo(my image has 550px width). Make the following settings for this border and choose the color white.

How To Add A Photo Border In Photoshop

For the next step I need to rasterize the layer style and to make the Stroke to be a part of the girl image. There are several methods to do flatten a layer with all its layer styles. If you apply layer style effects to text or shapes and then rasterize the layer, you will notice that only the text or shape is rasterized. The layer effects stay separate and are still editable. That means you can not apply filters and other effects on the entire layer.

To rasterize and flatten the entire layer contents you can create a new empty layer below the current one and merge the two layers (Ctrl+E on Windows/Command+E on Mac). Or you can choose a better method and to turn this layer into a smart object. That way you can apply smart filters but you can still edit the old layers styles.

For this tutorial to rasterize effects in Photoshop we will choose to make an new empty layer and merge it with the Girl Layer. Name the new layer Girl Frame Layer.

Press CTRL and click on the layer thumbnail to make a selection out of the Girl Frame Layer. Go to the Select, Modify menu and choose Border with the following settings.

With that area selected go to Filter, Distort menu and choose Ripple with these settings for the distortion effect. You can see that the frame edge has now a ripple effect.

Apply again the Ripple Filter with the same settings and you should obtain a similar result, a photo with the ripple edge frame.

How To Create Old Photo Edges Effect In Photoshop

Choose a darker color for the background and add a old paper texture and place it above the background layer with Multiply blend mode. You can choose one of the many paper textures available for free. I will use this old paper. Add a Brightness and Contrast adjustment layer and make sure you press the Click to Clip to Layer button as shown in the image.

Now we have to start the vintage effect process for this photo, but before we begin I want to torn the photo in the right top corner just to make the effect more authentic. Pick the Lasso Tool and make a selection in the right top corner of the Girl Frame Layer. Try to make it as realistic as possible.

Press CTRL+X and CTRL+V to obtain a new layer with the torn corner area. After the layer via cut simply move and rotate the corner to see the torn photo effect. Call this layer Torn Corner Layer.

It looks quite nice but we have to add some depth to the torn edge because the photo paper is not quite thin. If you want to find out more about realistic torn paper effect in Photoshop you might want to take a look at these paper tutorials. So, create a new layer above the Torn Corner Layer and with the Brush Tool, color white, draw around the torn edge. Use the Photoshop default Spatter Brush or search another grungy edge brush around the internet. Call this layer Torn Edge Layer.

Add an Inner Shadow effect for the Torn Edge Layer like shown in the image, just to give it some depth.

On the torn edge of the Girl Frame Layer you may use the same Spatter Brush but this time attached on the Eraser Tool to make the edgers more realistic looking. Our photo it should now look like this:

Select the three layers Torn Edge Layer, Girl Frame Layer and Torn Corner Layer and merge them (CTRL+E). Call the result layer Old Photo Layer and add the following layer styles: Drop Shadow, Outer Glow and Inner Glow.

Now we can begin the actual photo ageing process. As you probably know, old photos have a unicolor tone, in many cases it is a sepia color tone.

How To Create Sepia Effect

In this tutorial we will create the sepia effect from scratch. If you are looking to quickly add the sepia effect to your photos you can use this free Sepia Photoshop Action from

We are going to add two adjustment layer styles. First add a Hue Saturation adjustment with the saturation level decreased. Make sure you press the Click to Clip to Layer button to affect only the Old Photo Layer.

Second let's add a Photo Filter adjustment with the saturation level decreased. Make sure you press the Click to Clip to Layer button to affect again only the Old Photo Layer.

I will use this old paper texture again, this time only for the Old Photo Layer. So copy the texture in a new layer called Old Paper Layer and place it above the other layers. Set the blend mode to Multiply. Make a selection out of the Old Photo Layer (press CTRL and click the layer thumbnail). Add this selection as layer mask for the Old Paper Layer.

In a new layer copy this new old torn photo texture. SEt the blend mode to Soft Light and add a Hue Saturation adjustment layer that affects only this second old paper layer.

Add to this Old Paper 2 Layer a layer mask using the selection of the Old Photo Layer.

If you want you can add some dust and scratches; to do that, select all the layers and put them in a group. Rasterize the group to flatten the layer styles. Add an empty layer mask for the new layer and in that mask add an Add Noise filter, 100% amount. Apply Watercolor artistic filter with these settings:

To make a photo look old you can add stain brushes and scotch brushes, scratches and other effects that increase the vintage look. I've used these great scotch shapes but you can try other brushes just as well. Here is my final result for the Photoshop vintage photo effect, hope you like it and I am curious to see your results.

Vintage Photo Effect Photoshop

You might also like to try our premium Photoshop plugin that allows you to create torn paper corner for photo effects.

You might also like to try our premium Photoshop plugin that allows you to create torn paper corner for photo effects.

Torn Photo Corner Photoshop Action

Torn Photo Corner Photoshop Action

Old Photo with Torn Ripped Effect Photoshop Action

Old Photo with Torn Ripped Effect Photoshop Action

Vintage Photo Editor Online

So, if you don't have Photoshop, you can make old photo effects with MockoFun online photo editor quite easily. Check out the article about the vintage photo editor if you want to make old retro images.

Vintage Photo Editor Online

If you are looking for other cool photo effects, check out this list of online photo effects that you can use for your pictures.

MockoFun is probably the best free photo editor with more than 50 non-destructive photo filters, photo overlays and photo effects.

5 ( 101 votes)

If you're looking for amazing textures and backgrounds for Photoshop, explore Textures4Photoshop where you can find 1000+ unique images. You can download all these textures and backgrounds for free to use in personal or commercial projects!

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17 comment(s) for "Create a Vintage Photo Effect in Photoshop"

1:10 PM Monday, October 1, 2012
wieder so ein tolles Tutorial,
vielen Dank f??rs teilen.
again such a great tutorial,
thanks for sharing.
LG Finja reply
PSD Dude
1:12 PM Monday, October 1, 2012
thank you, I am really glad you like it ! reply
10:01 AM Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Your photo frame looks really nice! Maybe you should add a vintage photo effect too. reply
12:12 AM Friday, October 5, 2012
yes, i know... and thank you! reply
PSD Dude
7:22 AM Friday, October 19, 2012
Hi Phil Clenn,
I am glad you find my Vintage photo effect tutorial useful :) reply
8:06 AM Monday, October 22, 2012
hi dude it is cool and heart wining tutorials and it is first vintage tut. that i find on net so thinks man keep it up cool work. dude
8:07 AM Monday, October 22, 2012
Thank you for your kind words! reply
1:48 AM Monday, January 14, 2013
What a great tutorial! Thanks! I like ageing photos. I might have made this one too dirty, though. But I like it. reply
1:50 AM Monday, January 14, 2013
I like your vintage photo effect very much :) You might try to write a tutorial yourself ! reply
1:17 AM Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Wow! I'm flattered to get compliments from such a pro! Thanks. And I'll think about your suggestion. :) reply
8:23 AM Friday, May 31, 2013
thanks you ... good to learn reply
luciano lima
luciano lima
2:16 AM Friday, July 10, 2015
Muito Bom esse site..estou aprendendo demais! reply
8:48 AM Friday, November 13, 2015
Great tutorial, i learned a lot from this, as well as from other...
used three grunge paper to increase effect, added some coffee and ink stain, and a fingerprint...
here's my result, perhaps is too heavy reply
9:19 AM Friday, November 13, 2015
I really like your old photo effect. Keep up the good work :) reply
3:31 AM Friday, September 2, 2016
How To Tear Up a Photo in Adobe Photoshop reply
3:32 AM Friday, September 2, 2016
Here are just a few examples of torn ripped photo effects create in Photoshop by practicing this tutorial. (source: Thank you for your creativity! reply
Phil Clenn
Phil Clenn
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Very nice tutorial. i should apply this photo effects in my next web design project here in the Philippines reply

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