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25 Paper Photoshop Tutorials

Resources Tutorials 99730 8/1/2018 12:00:00 AM

Paper textures come in different forms, colors, textures and combinations; notebook paper, rough paper, old paper, etc. In my opinion the paper texture is one of the most downloaded Photoshop texture and for me it is extremely useful. If you want to make a business card, a flyer, a poster, a greeting card, a sketch and so on, you will probably need paper to texturize your work.

It is true that the easiest way is to use a paper texture and not to create it yourself from scratch. But there are cases when you need a custom made paper so it is good to know how to create paper in Photoshop. Starting from this idea I have gathered for you(and for me too) some of the best paper Photoshop tutorials. You will find everything related to paper: photoshop torn paper, old paper in photoshop, curl paper, folded paper, ripped paper photoshop, tear paper photoshop and many more.

If you need more resources related to this you can try browsing our paper tag. You will find paper vector shapes, paper patterns and more.

Photoshop Torn Paper

Create Fold Paper in Photoshop

Grungy Paper in Photoshop

Fold Paper Corner in Photoshop

Create a Grunge Sticker in Photoshop

Sticker Paper Effect in Photoshop

Create a Torn Paper in Photoshop

Paper Texture Photoshop Tutorial

Old Paper Texture in Photoshop

Distressed Rough Paper Texture Tutorial

Torn Edges for Paper in Photoshop

Wrinkled Paper in Photoshop

Realistic Torn Paper Tutorial

Create Paper Notes in Photoshop

Realistic wrinkled paper in photoshop

Ripped paper in Photoshop tutorial

Create a realistic folded paper effect in photoshop

Create a realistic folded paper effect in photoshop

Realistic paper texture tutorial

Tear paper in Photoshop

Folded Paper Typography in Photoshop

Ripped notebook paper in photoshop

Folded Paper Corners Tutorial

Rough Paper Texture from Scratch in Photoshop

Folded text effect tutorial

You might also like to try our premium Photoshop plugin that allows you to create torn paper corner for photo effects.

Torn Photo Corner Photoshop Action

Torn Paper and Tear Effects Photoshop Actions

Paper Cut Art Photoshop Actions

Cut and Slice Paper Photoshop Actions

Newspaper Letters [Online Fonts]

If you are looking for newspaper letters, cut out letters or magazine letters, you can use these online text effects.

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1 comment(s) for "25 Paper Photoshop Tutorials"

9:08 AM Friday, February 27, 2015
Learn how to create a torn paper photo effect in Photoshop inspired by the Eternal Sunshine Movie Poster reply

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