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Logo Design Photoshop Tutorials

Resources Tutorials 22372 10/16/2018 12:00:00 AM

Learn how to create your own logo in Photoshop from these easy to follow tutorials. There are lots of great logo design examples that you can inspire from. And I have tried to gathered different styles: metallic logos, glossy logos, car logos, IT logos and so on. You might want to take a look at the Photoshop icon tutorials collection, that might prove really useful for creating quality logos.

Create an Intel Chip Logo in Photoshop

Create a Metallic Logo Design Using Adobe Illustrator

Windows vista logo Photoshop tutorial

3D Star Logo in Photoshop

Alexa logo Photoshop tutorial

How to make an Wordpress Logo

Create a 3d glossy box logo in Photoshop

Metal Logo Design Photoshop Tutorial

Metallic Transformers Logo in Photoshop

Pepsi Logo in Photoshop

My Nite Life Logo in Photoshop

Photoshop football logo

Creative Text Logo in Photoshop

Mac Apple Metal Logo in Photoshop

Logo Design Process Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop tutorial fox news logo

Volkswagen Logo in Photoshop

Logo Text Effect in Photoshop

Shiny steel text effect Logo in Photoshop

Harley Davidson Logo in Photoshop

Super star logo in Photoshop

Mac Apple Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Google logo photoshop tutorial

Skype Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Create 3d logo in Photoshop with polygonal lasso tool

Glossy Logo Design Photoshop Tutorial

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1 comment(s) for "Logo Design Photoshop Tutorials"

Mary Holmes
Mary Holmes
9:01 AM Friday, January 12, 2018
Finally, I've got what I was looking for all day long. Thanks for sharing these vector logos keep up the good work. reply

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