Happy New Year Free Wallpaper Template
Download for free this festive new year wallpaper that you can use to decorate your desktop for this year celebration. Because the exact year is not mentioned you can use it for many years to come. If you want you can add the year using Photoshop. You can pick one of these cool light style effects for adding the text.
Happy New Year Desktop Wallpaper

Download the new year wallpaper for free and decorate your computer desktop. The wallpaper comes in one size 2000x1200 px so you might have to adjust it to fit with your screen size. This new year wallpaper is free for personal, non-commercial use only. You are not authorized to redistribute, resell without our written agreement.
This wallpaper was created using this Christmas tree Photoshop action creator. You can download the action from graphicriver and you can create your own personalized effect using any text, vector shape or raster image.
FREE WALPPAPER DOWNLOAD!(1.34MB/size:2000x1200px)3D Snow Photoshop Style with Free PSD
Calendar Photoshop PSD Free Template
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