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3D Photoshop Action Free Download

Resources Photoshop Actions 147749 3/15/2018 12:00:00 AM

Create 3D shape in Photoshop in just a few seconds with this free 3D Photoshop action. My 3D action for Photoshop is free for all our users and it has the advantage of being really easy to use. Make sure you have an initial layer named "Shape 1" and that is all. With just one click you will obtain a realistic 3D look.

This 3D generator action works well for any kind of layers, text or vector shapes. You can also make 3D text using any font type.

Assuming that you already know how to download and install a photoshop action, the next step is to open your Photoshop and to draw the shape you want to transform. It can be a vector image, a custom shape, a text or any other layer.

All you have to do is to make sure the initial layer is called "Shape 1" for the action to work properly. Open the Actions and click Play Selection. After the action is ended you will obtain 2 layers with all the layers styles intact. So if you want to change the appearance or add some extra effects you can do it easily by adjusting the layer styles.

Free 3D Action for Photoshop

3D Action Photoshop

Info and License

This is an ATN file made with Photoshop CS4 so if you have this PS version or a higher versions, this action will probably work just fine. This action can be downloaded by all our registered users. The 3D action is free for personal non-commercial use only and you must to credit us and put a link back to our blog. The redistribution/selling this file on other websites is not allowed.

NEW Updated Version

This new updated version contains easy to replace smart objects that you can replace after the action has ended playing. You can also change the light and shadow effect with Global Light option (Go to Layer>Layer Style>Global Light).

3D Action Photoshop



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5 ( 217 votes)

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21 comment(s) for "3D Photoshop Action Free Download"

8:03 AM Wednesday, November 2, 2011
happy it works! reply
1:42 PM Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Hi Alex,
this happens because I use Perspective Tool in my 3D action and as you probably know this tool is not available for the Text layers.
So the best thing is to convert your text into shape, name the layer of course Shape 1 and then play the action. It will work just fine :) see the image atached
11:20 AM Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have tried your 3D action to create a 3D star and the result looks really nice. I might have to change it a little but it is ok, take a look :
8:45 PM Friday, December 16, 2011
Greetings PSDDude!... Awesome action! Thanx for sharing...
Just a quick question ... do you have in mind any 3D action that can convert 2D images into 3D images... ? I wished to add some volume and perspective to a picture of a car I have, and apply it afterwards to a background on CS5... Hope you can help me on this subject .. =:o)
Keep up the good work! ???? reply
8:45 PM Friday, December 16, 2011
Hi friend :)
I am glad you like my 3D action...about your question I don't think there is such an action(maybe there is ...); it seems that you have to photo manipulate the image, cropping, adding shadows and lights - the old fashion way !
12:40 AM Friday, September 7, 2012
Dankesch??n :-) reply
12:14 PM Sunday, March 31, 2013
I am unable to download the above 3D Photoshop action, why? It keeps saying thank you for downloading but there is no download. Help! reply
12:18 PM Sunday, March 31, 2013
You might have to click the download button until you get a login page. After you login press the download again and the download of the file should start! reply
12:41 AM Tuesday, August 27, 2013
how to install 3d action and also where can i locate the button on ps reply
12:51 AM Tuesday, August 27, 2013
to install the action in Photoshop you must follow these simple steps:
- go to Windows>Actions to open the actions tab
- click on the right top corner to Load the Action in Photoshop
- open a new file, add a text or shape, choose the 3D action and simply click Play Action! reply
Jose Diaz
Jose Diaz
1:02 AM Sunday, August 3, 2014
Lo menos que puedo decir es gracias, por compartir, lo probare, se ve que esta estupendo, gracias, hasta pronto!!!

The least I can say is thank you for sharing. I will try it, looks great, thanks, see you soon! reply
1:03 AM Sunday, August 3, 2014
Thank you Jose, I am glad you like our new improved 3D Photoshop Action :) reply
8:21 AM Monday, August 18, 2014
Thank you for the great action.
kind regards
Finja reply
Priyanka Tolani
Priyanka Tolani
9:21 AM Tuesday, September 16, 2014
When I m using this action getting message that- the command " Distribute" is not currently available and action is not performing completely.Can u pls suggest what should I do ? reply
9:22 AM Tuesday, September 16, 2014
What Photoshop version are you using? And at what step does the action stops? reply
Sergio TAV
Sergio TAV
1:35 AM Thursday, September 18, 2014
Hola. He descargado tu acci??n para psd y en breve lo estar?? probando. Luego te comento. Saludos. reply
2:12 AM Sunday, September 28, 2014
thank you reply
10:04 AM Thursday, October 16, 2014
whats wrong? the shadow is in the upper part. reply
10:07 AM Thursday, October 16, 2014
Go to Layer>Layer Style and change the Global Light settings to modify the shadow direction. reply
1:30 AM Tuesday, December 23, 2014
great, I was looking for a good 3D action and this is the first one free that I have found and surprisingly it works really good!
1:30 AM Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Hi, I downloaded your action but it works different for the shapes than for the text and also it stops at some point, I don't know why ? any ideas ??? reply

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