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How To Create A Frozen Photo Effect In Photoshop
Tutorials Photo Effects 30022 June 8th, 2018

Learn how to create a frozen photo effect in Photoshop in just a few steps. We will use the Wind Filter to create the frozen ice effects. Also we will add details using ice icicle brushes.

How to Create a Frozen Effect in Photoshop

Frozen Ice Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to create a frozen ice photo effect using filters and gradient map adjustments. The frozen effect can be applied to any photo with little adjustments. I will use this girl portrait stock image. This Photoshop tutorial is different than the ice effect for the Frozen Queen Photoshop tutorial I did a while ago.

So, let's start.

Girl Portrait

Press Control-T and rotate the Girl Portrait layer.

Go to Image > Reveal All.

Go to Filter > Stylize > Wind and set the Method Wind and the direction.

Press Control-T and rotate the Girl Portrait layer back to the initial position.

Create Photoshop Icicles Using The Wind Filter

Create a new layer and use these icicle brushes to add details on different parts of the image. I added icicles on the woman hands and face and also on the top edge of the image creating a frame. Use color white for the brush and different tones of gray. Also use different sizes for the icicle brush. You can add multiple layers

Add Frozen Icicles To Image In Photoshop

Add this snow overlay texture in a new layer and set the blend mode to Screen. Call this layer Snowing Texture. Duplicate the Snowing Texture layer and call it Icicle Texture.

For the Icicle Texture repeat the same process that you made for the Girl Portrait with the rotate and the wind filter effect. Also move the layer to be in a different position and set the opacity to 40%.

Add Iciciles Texture To Photoshop Image

Add a Gradient Map adjustment using these color tones: #0b7a92 (location 0%), #00e3f7 (location 54%) and #ffffff (location 79%).

Frozen Image In Photoshop Using Gradient Map

Press Shift-Control-Alt-E to create a copy of all the layers merged. Go to Filter > Other > High Pass. Set the blend mode of this layer to Overlay.

Add a Gradient adjustment with these colors: #0959fc (location 0%), #51e0ff (location 50%) and #0959fc (location 100%). Set the blend mode to Soft Light.

For the final touches you can add another High Pass layer. Also you can add a falling ice snowflakes overlay and a lens flare overlay with Screen blend mode.

Frozen Ice Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial Frozen Woman Effect In Photoshop

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9 comment(s) for "A Frozen Woman"

7:00 AM Monday, November 30, 2009
I really like the ice effect!Nice work! reply
7:00 AM Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Nice effect! reply
7:00 AM Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Beautiful image! It is an inspiration for me reply
7:00 AM Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Yap i find this image very nice also :) one of my favorites and it is true John that the photo helped me a lot! reply
7:00 AM Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sorry to hear that Myst, maybe you could use another photo...deviantArt for example has a huge collection of stock images !

a girl from IRAN
a girl from IRAN
2:07 PM Thursday, January 5, 2012
very good.thank u.very helpful reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Very good result, not bad at all!:-D reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
This is an amazing frozen effect! And this beautiful photo helps u a lot! reply
1:06 PM Monday, April 29, 2019
Loved the tut, but the photo isn't there anymore :( reply

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